About Time – Movie Review


Starting out as a movie that captured me from the first moment I saw the trailer, About Time moved me more than any film has ever done.
The story of a young man, Tim, who finds out on his 21st birthday that the men in his family can travel in time, to change what happens and what has happened in his life.
After his Dad delivers the news of time travel, his Dad asks him what big thing he will do with the ability. The big thing? Find a girlfriend. Probably the simplest of things to do it may seem, but it’s not. Finding that ‘one’ person is difficult and then keeping up the happy relationship perfectly, as Tim wants to, proves to be even harder.
It all turns upside down though, when Tim’s sister has a car crash, caused by alcohol abuse. Tim realises he needs to change his sisters life, and the only way to do that would be to stop her from ever meeting her boyfriend, who’s a bad influence. In doing this though, he changes the gender of his child and realises that he won’t be able to fix his sisters problem and that the best way is to change it is in present time.
Perfect from beginning to end on every aspect if this movie, it serves also as a wake-up call to people who don’t spend enough time with their loved ones and who don’t live life moment to moment, to the fullest extent.